God Looks After Our baby

I used to be identified as a lecturer or blogger.
Behind the titles I’m a life-long learner who is avid and eager.
Getting new knowledge satisfies my thirst and hunger.
And suits my appetite more than fried chicken or burger.
Since I’m pregnant I read about the three stages called trimester satu, dua dan tiga (one, two and three).
Every week I can figure out the baby is about the size of a lemon or mangga (manggo).
From clinic checkups I get to know more about the level of my hemoglobin and blood sugar.
With elder women’s advice I do more exercise including naik tangga (climb the stairs).
When people see my tummy that is getting bigger.
They like to ask, “Is this a boy or a girl?”
We prefer the surprise though the desire to know the gender is getting stronger.
Our prayer is that every moment our little one Tuhan jaga (God looks after).

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